Round cover low temperature resistant

Round cover low temperature resistant
This product is designed to be installed in flues with high rates of condensate where there is a T tube union, so as to allow inspection.
The round cover is composed of two elements, one outside, covering the pipe, the other inside, going into the pipe itself.
Between the two elements there is a silicone seal. This seal is temperature and condensate for GAS and GASOIL resistant, temperature class T200, homologated by the IMQ -AT15S0479252-01 del 03/07/2015, according to EN14241-1:2013 standard.
This seal, under compression by means of an eccentric handle or handwheel, expands when getting on contact with the internal surface of the pipe. This creates a sealing effect against the smokes passing through the flue and the condensates inside it.
If necessary, the compression of the seal can be modified by means of a threaded pin integrated in the handle or in the handwheel.
The product is made of the following materials:
– Metal parts: sp. 10/10 AISI 304 BA – AISI 316L 2B or copper: Cu DHP UNI 5649/1
– Handle or handwheel: of moisture and weather-resistant plastic with temperatures between –20° C and + 240°C.
In both steel and copper versions, on request the internal plate is available in AISI 316L 2B